onsdag den 4. april 2007

You know

About a year before i converted i read this poem by Tariq Ramadan, which made me cry - my inner feelings had been put into words and by a complete stranger... It described the proces towards finding my way home, to find the Truth. Alhamdu lillah - i'm home, and now; I know...

One morning, something can change, something has changed... You turn your face, your eyes, your heart and your hopes towards another Reality. One instant, one second, far from human beings, from their doubts, from their wounds. And the Universe speaks to you of the heart of its evidences:

«Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the succession of night and day there are indeed signs for people of insight »

You know...

And you come back to yourself... to the heart of your inner universe. It is never easy... this quest for meaning, for simplicity. To forget your doubts, your weaknesses, your wounds, your tears, your failures... and to find in yourself the authentic question, your secrete sincerity, your fragility. Alone, in a silence that belongs only to you, simply, softly, tenderly. To find yourself again... in the sacred place that He alone knows, and you.

« We shall show them our signs in the horizons and in themselves so that it will become clear to them that this is the Truth”

You know...

A quest for meaning, a quest for simplicity, a quest for love, a quest for truth. A search. One morning something has changed. You, your gaze, your life. A paradox. To learn to love and to resist yourself... within the same outburst, with the same strength. To love the light of the heart’s humility, at the centre, and to resist the shadows of the mind’s arrogance, at the periphery. To resist the prisons of self-importance and blindness of the heart and to love the liberations of the mind seeking light and peace.

« Do the people think that they will be left alone for they have said ‘We believe’ and that they would not be tested?”

You know ...

The test of the inner peace... an infinite quest of His signs, of Good, of Beauty, of Love. To know He is here and that one has but to unceasingly go towards Him. And everything changes: the universe, human beings, your life... “To change the life” said the poet... and the life has changed as you change in the proximity of the essential. You seek, you observe, you cry. To speak to Him of your tears close to the Truth. He knows, you know...

Your tears are your love; your tears are your freedom

« And God invites you to the dwelling of Peace... »

You know...

Deep in your self there exists a dwelling of a language without words. The sadness of the world has offered you the smile of the essential...Freedom and Peace. A prayer with no request.
You know...

By Tariq Ramadan

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