mandag den 26. november 2007

Tag target??!!

I have been tagged by my dear friend Hema...hmmm describe 7 weird facts about yourself...
Well i don't know, weird to others or weird to myself?
Maybe both...

1. Coffee - I'm addicted to coffee big time to the extent where i consider sleep as being overestimated.

2. I use funny words...Well not funny words, but oldfashioned danish words, which really confuses people sometimes as it is mixed with slang and "normal" words. Then i also tend to drive people crazy with using the same frases in periods (right Samia) for example JA HEJ and driving people crazy with it because i say it aaaaalllll the time. lol

3. Orientation. I can get lost everywhere, really everywhere. Denmark is a very small country, but i really don't know street names and so on. It's a big thing that i can find my way home, when im somewhere i haven't been before and it's a challenge to be in Istanbul which is HUGE! Thank God for taxis!!!

4. Technical stuff... I'm so bad! And math, which is a funny thing cuz my dad is a math teacher, i guess i didn't inherited those genes. In Denmark we have i saying - Kvinder og teknik, which is translated to Women and technic (stuff) Anything logical actually, i'm just bad, but give me something to analyze and i'm on!

5. Bugs - I'm hysterical afraid of bugs, spiders and so on. Always screaming and sometimes crying, driving other people crazy (with the screaming) Once i discovered a spider in my flat, well not a spider but one of those big flying things (stankelben, eeeewwww) and locked myself into the bathroom and called my brother and waited for him to come and get rid of it (he lives 10 minutes away from me by car) He was sooooo annoyed, but i was crying and VERY hysterical, so he thought something had happend...

6. I love turkish and arab music! Don't understand much but still sing along... Went to a turkish concert with one of my favorite artists - Tarkan. And he did make an english album, but i stood there singing along to only the turkish songs and not the english!? People must have thought; " What is up with that weird blond girl"... Actually think i might have been the only dane there??

7. What to say what to say...hmmm I'm just weird in general, i believe myself that it's in a cute way??! But i will let others be the judges of that (please be gentle)

I will tag Samia next, kom så sveske 7 underlige facts om dig selv, du må godt skrive flere lol

torsdag den 22. november 2007

A reminder

I was really touched by this story and it is a reminder how short life is, how much we should treasure it and spend our time well. Allah knows best!

A true story translated by Muhammad Alshareef

Her cheeks were worn and sunken and her skin hugged her bones. That didn't stop her though, you could never catch her not reciting Qur'an. Always vigil in her personal prayer room Dad had set up for her. Bowing, prostrating, raising her hands in prayer. That was the way she was from dawn to sunset and back again, boredom was for others.
As for me I craved nothing more than fashion magazines and novels. I treated myself all the time to videos until those trips to the rental place became my trademark. As they say, when something becomes habit people tend to distinguish you by it. I was negligent in my responsibilities and laziness characterized my Salah.

One night, I turned the video off after a marathon three hours of watching. The adhan softly rose in that quiet night. I slipped peacefully into my blanket.Her voice carried from her prayer room. "Yes? Would you like anything Noorah?" I said.With a sharp needle she popped my plans. "Don't sleep before you pray Fajr!"Agh...there's still an hour before Fajr, that was only the first Adhaan!With those loving pinches of hers, she called me closer. She was always like that, even before the fierce sickness shook her spirit and shut her in bed. "Hanan can you come sit beside me."I could never refuse any of her requests, you could touch the purity and sincerity. "Yes, Noorah?""Please sit here.""OK, I"m sitting. What's on your mind?"With the sweetest mono voice she began reciting:"Every soul shall taste death and you will merely be repaid your earnings on Resurrection Day"
She stopped thoughtfully. Then she asked, "Do you believe in death?""Of course I do.""Do you believe that you shall be responsible for whatever you do, regardless of how small or large?""I do, but Allah is Forgiving and Merciful and I have got a long life waiting for me.""Stop it Hanan ... aren't you afraid of death and it's abruptness? Look at Hind. She was younger than you but she died in a car accident. So did so and so, and so and so. Death is age-blind and your age could never be a measure of when you shall die."
The darkness of the room filled my skin with fear. "I'm scared of the dark and now you made me scared of death, how am I supposed to go to sleep now. Noorah, I thought you promised you'd go with us on vacation during the summer break."Impact. Her voice broke and her heart quivered. "I might be going on a long trip this year Hanan, but somewhere else. Just maybe. All of our lives are in Allah's Hands and we all belong to Him."
My eyes welled and the tears slipped down both cheeks.I pondered my sisters grizzly sickness, how the doctors had informed my father privately that there was not much hope that Noorah was going to outlive the disease. She wasn't told though. Who hinted to her? Or was it that she could sense the truth."What are you thinking about Hanan?" Her voice was sharp. "Do you think I am just saying this because I am sick? Uh - uh. In fact, I may live longer than people who are not sick. And you Hanan, how long are you going to live? Twenty years, maybe? Forty? Then what?" Through the dark she reached for my hand and squeezed gently. "
There's no difference between us; we're all going to leave this world to live in Paradise or agonize in Hell. Listen to the words of Allah:"Anyone who is pushed away from the Fire and shown into Jannah will have triumphed."
I left my sister's room dazed, her words ringing in my ears: May Allah guide you Hanan - don't forget your prayer.

Eight O'clock in the morning. Pounding on my door. I don't usually wake up at this time. Crying. Confusion. O Allah, what happened?
Noorahs condition became critical after Fajr, they took her immediately to the hospital ... Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.There wasn't going to be any trips this summer. It was written that I would spend the summer at home.
After an eternity...
It was one O'clock in the afternoon. Mother phoned the hospital. "Yes. You can come and see her now." Dad's voice had changed, mother could sense something had gone deathly wrong. We left immediately.Where was that avenue I used to travel and thought was so short? Why was it so long now, so very long. Where was the cherished crowd and traffic that would give me a chance to gaze left and right. Everyone, just move out of our way. Mother was shaking her head in her hands crying as she made dua'a for her Noorah.We arrived at the hospitals main entrance. One man was moaning, another was involved in an accident and a third's eyes were iced, you couldn't tell if he was alive or dead.We skipped stairs to Noorahs floor. She was in intensive care.The nurse approached us. "Let me take you to her." As we walked down the aisles the nurse went on expressing how sweet a girl Noorah was. She reassured Mother somewhat that Noorah's condition had gotten better than what it was in the morning."Sorry. No more than one visitor at a time." This was the intensive care unit. Through the small window in the door and past the flurry of white robes I caught my sisters eyes. Mother was standing beside her. After two minutes, mother came out unable to control her crying."
You may enter and say Salam to her on condition that you do not speak too long," they told me. "Two minutes should be enough.""How are you Noorah? You were fine last night sister, what happened?"We held hands, she squeezed harmlessly.
"Even now, Alhamdulillah, I'm doing fine.""Alhamdulillah...but...your hands are so cold."I sat on her bedside and rested my fingers on her knee. She jerked it away. "Sorry ... did I hurt you?"
"No, it is just that I remembered Allah's words;
One leg will be wrapped to the other leg (in the death shroud){waltafatul saaqu bil saaq}"Hanan pray for me. I may be meeting the first day of the hearafter very soon. It is a long journey and I haven't prepared enough good deeds in my suitcase."A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek at her words. I cried and she joined me. The room blurred away and left us two sisters - to cry together. Rivulets of tears splashed down on my sister's palm which I held with both hands. Dad was now becoming more worried about me. I've never cried like that before.

At home and upstairs in my room, I watched the sun pass away with a sorrowful day. Silence mingled in our corridors. A cousin came in my room, another. The visitors were many and all the voices from downstairs stirred together. Only one thing was clear at that point ...
Noorah had died!
I stopped distinguishing who came and who went. I couldn't remember what they said. O Allah, where was I? What was going on? I couldn't even cry anymore.Later that week they told me what had happened. Dad had taken my hand to say goodbye to my sister for the last time, I had kissed Noorah's head. I remember only one thing though, seeing her spread on that bed, the bed that she was going to die on.
I remembered the verse she recited:"One leg will be wrapped to the other leg (in the death shroud)" and I knew too well the truth of the next verse: "The drive on that day we be to your Lord (Allah)!"
I tiptoed into her prayer room that night. Staring at the quiet dressers and silenced mirrors, I treasured who it was that had shared my mother's stomach with me. Noorah was my twin sister.I remembered who I had swapped sorrows with. Who had comforted my rainy days. I remembered who had prayed for my guidance and who had spent so many tears for so many long nights telling me about death and accountability.
May Allah save us all.

Tonight is Noorah's first night that she shall spend in her tomb. O Allah, have mercy on her and illumine her grave. This was her Qur'an, her prayer mat and this was the spring rose-colored dress that she told me she would hide until she got married, the dress she wanted to keep just for her husband.I remembered my sister and cried over all the days that I had lost. I prayed to Allah to have mercy on me, accept me and forgive me. I prayed to Allah to keep her firm in her grave as she always liked to mention in her supplications.
that moment, I stopped. I asked myself: what if it was I who had died? Where would I be moving on to? Fear pressed me and the tears began all over again.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar...
The first adhan rose softly from the Masjid, how beautiful it sounded this time. I felt calm and relaxed as I repeated the Muadhdhins call. I wrapped the shawl around my shoulders and stood to pray Fajr. I prayed as if it was my last prayer, a farewell prayer, just like Noorah had done yesterday. It had been her last Fajr.Now and insha' Allah for the rest of my life, if I awake in the mornings I do not count on being alive by evening, and in the evening I do not count on being alive by morning.We are all going on Noorah's journey. What have we prepared for it?
Allaahumma zay-yinnaa bi zeenat-il-eemaani waj'alnaa hudaatan muhtadeen.
Oh Allah! Dress us with the beauty of Faith, and make us guides who are upon (correct) guidance. Ameen.

tirsdag den 20. november 2007

My Mum

This is an applause to my mother.
You know you really realize how important many people are to you when you're very far away from them. I have been in Turkey for almost 4 months now and a day does not pass by where i don't miss my mum or think of her. She came to me in my dream the other night - kissed my forehead and stroke my hair as she usually does, i woked up crying...
Let me tell me about my mother. My mum LOVES. Really loves, everyone and everything. She sees the best in people- always and don't ever judge anyone. She is always there for people in need and feel enormous compassion for humans, animals and every living creature. She is very wise and the best listener and always reach out to people in need and takes them under her wing. The love she has inside of her is so pure, so real and so amazing and so admirable. I'm very proud of her, the person she is and the way she affect others with her warmth and gentleness. She is at the same time so strong, has raised three children on her own, giving all of us so many good values to take with us in life. She have always been there for us whenever we needed her and has fight for us when we were treated unjusted. She puts everyone before herself, especially us. I admire her and her unconditional love to life, to the creation and to human beings, for her LOVE. She has always taught us that everything is love and comes from and with love. If you love you can never go wrong and there is something good in every people, even the most evil ones. Many would call this approach to life naive, i will say that it's amazing. How many of us see the best in people without having our reservations? To protect ourselves from being hurt of course. My mum takes this hurt and turn it into love, she takes weakness and puts it into strength. She is so proud of me and the person i am, she tells me all the time. I can never do anything wrong in her eyes, i can never dissapoint her. When i converted into Islam, we discussed it (she's very spiritual and into the alternative stuff) and i got mad at her because she argued some of the things i believed in. I said; "You're just disappointed because i didn't went in your direction". She interrupted me and said: "No! That's one thing you always can be certain of, and that is that you can NEVER disappoint me. I love you, you're my daugther, my pride and if you're happy then my happiness is complete".

The Prophet Saws have said: Paradise lies at the feet of your mother (Al-Tirmidhi) and it is so well said. I believe that your mother's love is like a glimpse of paradise.
I thank Allah everyday for my mum and only He knows how deep and great my love and respect is for her! Mor jeg savner dig!!!!!

mandag den 12. november 2007

Beautiful Istanbul

Her er nogle af Istanbuls skønheder

Sultan Ahmet
Aya Sofia

Udsigt fra Mit Universitet (Bogazici)


Underjordisk vandcisterne

Sultan Ahmet

I Aya Sofia

Aya Sofia

Sultan Ahmet

I Aya Sofia

Hvor havene mødes

Aya Sofia

søndag den 11. november 2007


Hvilken stærk følelse! En følelse som jeg kan nikke genkendende til... Jeg har på nuværende tidspunkt ikke set min familie og veninder i 3 måneder og 5 dage og kun Gud ved hvor meget jeg savner dem!!! Savn er en ambivalent følelse, den kan tære dig op indefra og gøre så ondt, men samtidig er det en følelse som er afledt af kærlighed, en enorm kærlighed til de mennesker eller menneske man savner. Man kan savne et menneske som helhed, man kan savne et menneskes handlinger, et menneskes sind og nærvær. Nærvær er vigtigt. Man savner et specielt menneskes nærvær på baggrund af den måde hvorpå han/hun får dig til at føle eller det bånd og forhold du har til denne. Man kan savne en persons fysiske nærvær, i mit tilfælde fordi jeg er så langt væk fra alle. Men det er ikke kun mennesker man kan savne, man kan savne en tid, et minde, et sted, en speciel sitution hvor man følte noget specielt.
Indenfor social videnskaben og humanoria er følelser noget der er socialt konstrueret i social interaktion, det er ikke biologisk eller psykologisk, men deriomod noget der skabes af udefrakommende kræfter og samfundet, herunder andre mennesker og sociale og strukturelle kræfter. Jeg er enig til en vis grænse, hvis vi fx taler om følelesen frygt, så skabes denne oftest af sociale kræfter - det kan være frygt som kommer af hvad samfundet har skabt, fx krig osv. Men savn er en mere kompleks følelse vil jeg mene. Du savner en person for hvad denne er og hvad denne får dig til at føle og det kommer dybt indefra. Når man savner et menneske, om det er et menneske du har i dit liv eller har mistet, så er det på baggrund af en kærlighed til dette menneske, fordi du elsker eller har elsket denne person. Jeg er enig i at meget er social konstrueret og at der foregår og forekommer mange følelser i social interaktion med andre mennesker, men jeg mener endnu stærkere at når der tales følelser, så udspringer det oftest fra kærlighed. Jeg mener at alt starter og slutter med kærlighed og følelsen kærlighed er hvad der får forskellige sociale fænomener til at opstå, et menneske handler på baggrund af sine følelser om det så er skabt socialt af sig selv eller andre, diverse følelser er drivkraften bag enhver handling.
Savn er noget som er dybt forankret i ens indre, som handler om kærlighed til et andet menneske. Det er som sagt meget ambivalent, fordi jeg savner fordi jeg virkelig virkelig elsker denne/disse personer og det gør mig ked af det at jeg ikke har dem nær, men på sammen tid er jeg stolt af at have personer omkring som fylder så meget i mit liv og som kan få mig til at føle så stærkt. Savn leder for mig og specielt i dette tilfælde til en hel anden følelse; taknemlighed! Jeg savner min familie og venner fordi jeg elsker dem, fordi de er det vigtigste i mit liv, for det de gør for mig og ved mig, for deres kærlighed, støtte og omsorg. Jg savner dem fordi de er med til at skabe mig, at gøre mig til et bedre menneske og fordi de er en kæmpe del af mig som person og i mit liv. Jeg er dybt dybt taknemlig, jeg vidste jeg havde al grund til taknemlighed før jeg rejste, men har for alvor indset hvor vigtigt alle diss mennesker er for, hvor meget de fylder i mit liv og hvordan jeg på ingen måde kan undvære dem nogensinde! Jeg savner dem, fordi de er med til at gøre mig til den person jeg er og fylder så meget.
Rumi har skrevet at, "at elske mennesker er at elske Gud" og for mig kan dette ikke siges mere rigtigt. Allah er kærlighed, den Største kærlighed og kærlighed er Hans største manifestation mennesket skal lære. Dette kan vi gennem kærlighed til Ham, men mere fysisk og håndgribeligt mellem hinanden. Man lærer om kærlighed og følelser gennem samspil med andre mennesker, mennesker som Allah har lukket ind i vores liv, mennesker som kan give dig alle mulige forskellige slags følelser, kærlighed, forelskelse, respekt, sorg, frygt, savn, smerte, ydmyghed, glæde, fred, vrede osv. Alle disse følelser lærer os om Ham, om hans skaberværk og giver os mulighed for at komme tættere på Ham og hinanden. Men vi kan være sikre på at alle følelser og hændelser deraf udspringer af kærlighed!
Alt vender tilbage til kærlighed - til Allah. Jeg savner nu, rigtig meget, så meget at det gør ondt indeni mig, men det skaber samtidig en taknemlighed i mig, at jeg har så mange vidunderlige mennesker at savne og jeg er dem taknemlige, men først og fremmest Allah taknemlig for at føre disse mennesker ind i mit liv og fortsat føre fantastiske mennesker ind i mit liv! Og Allah er i sandhed stor! Det største - Kærlighed!!