tirsdag den 22. maj 2007

Denmark and Hijab

Just when we all thought the ridiculous debate about womens right to wear hijab in Western (which is obvious, it's a private thing between women and God) modern societies was over...
An arab women wearing hijab is running for the goverment and this have caused a mediastorm... We have in Denmark this party called Dansk Folkeparti, which contains semi-nazis and other small and ignorant people - their slogan is; Denmark for Danes!
They are known for their controversal and absolutely evil statements, for example "All muslims are cancercells", "Muslim women are supressed, pathetic creatures" "Islam is evil" and it goes on. I'm so sick of these attacks on muslim brothers and sisters including myself - the thing is, i'm an danish girl with blond hair, not wearing hijab, no one would never even consider that i'm muslim, but i am.

I know Denmark has a bad reputation since the Cartoons episode and this post is not written to strenghten any prejudices, my family is danish and ARE NOT LIKE THAT, most danes aren't.
But it hurts to see how so many muslim brothers and sisters who has to struggle against all these terrible prejudices, i will Insh'Allah soon participate in the debates and political field (joined this forum, which does that, it's really new, but i'm patient, i'll get out there in some time and through my education as well Insh'Allah).

I hope Allah will grant me with strenght and patience to spread the message of Islam and Insh'Allah change some minds.
How can something so Beautiful be so misunderstood?
Astaghfirullah if i have said anything wrong...

3 kommentarer:

hema sagde ...

it's interesting as i think in the UK we take the right to wear the hijaab (in the sense of covering one's hair) for granted, and people wouldn't be allowed to make statements like the ones you mentioned, at least not in a public capacity (i'm sure it goes on in private)
i think a similar uproar would be caused here if someone wanted to run for govenment wearing the face veil, for example.

Min babys vej til verden... sagde ...


Gosh, how i just hate Denmark at times, or atleast the media-talk on islam and opressed muslim women.
and we are of the country, that always brags about how we were the first to accept homosexuals, marriage and children by such. And we LOVE to give the impression, (not only to others but even between us as a people) that we are so DAMN free with our freedom of speach and freedom of religion... but really- how free are we!!

when it comes to religion, we are only free to the extend, that if our beliefs don't "go against" the sociaty-values it is accepted to pratice and preach.. And waaaaay too many people,(including the goverment and its supporting parties) belief that islam can not be combined with these values. BULL****.

I say, lets move someone else :o)

Min babys vej til verden... sagde ...

someone= somewhere else!