fredag den 21. september 2007

Rumi poems

İ love Rumi and his message of love. Here are some of my favourites. Enjoy

Music is the nutrition of the souls of the servants of the Lord
Since, in music, there is the hope of reaching God.

Come, come whoever you are
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of living, it dosen't matter
Ours is not a caravan of despair
Come, even if you have broke your wov a thousand times
Come, yet again, come come

Our mother is love! Our father is love!
we are born from love! We ar love!
All lovers constitute a bridge leading to the Divine love.
To love human beings means to love God.

As long as my life persists, İm the servant of the Qur'an,
A dust of the path of Muhammad, the Chosen,
İf one conveys contrary to my words,
Disgusted İ am from the conveyer and from the conveyed.
(Rumi, Divan-i Kabir, Rubaiyyat No: 133)

Love is reckless; not reason.
Reason seeks a profit.
There is no one more insane than the lover
For his reason is blind and deaf because of love
(Rumi. Masnavi)

Love is here like the blood in my veins and skin
İt has emptied me of myself and filled me with the Beloved,
His fire has penetrated all the atoms of my body
Of 'me' only my name remains; the rest is Him.

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